
View synonyms for kedge


[ kej ]

verb (used with object)

, kedged, kedg·ing.
  1. to warp or pull (a ship) along by hauling on the cable of an anchor carried out from the ship and dropped.

verb (used without object)

, kedged, kedg·ing.
  1. (of a ship) to move by being kedged.


  1. Also called kedge anchor. a small anchor used in kedging.


/ kɛdʒ /


  1. to draw (a vessel) along by hauling in on the cable of a light anchor that has been dropped at some distance from it, or (of a vessel) to be drawn in this fashion


  1. a light anchor, used esp for kedging

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Word History and Origins

Origin of kedge1

1475–85; akin to Middle English caggen to fasten; cadge 1

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Word History and Origins

Origin of kedge1

C15: from caggen to fasten

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Example Sentences

He was on his way to make some inquiries of a firm of solicitors, Messrs. Kedge and Reck, strangers to him in all but name.

"We have no clerk of that name," repeated Mr. Kedge, pushing back some papers on the table.

Mr. Kedge, without any circumlocution, asked whether he remembered any clerk of the name of Gordon having been in the house.

Evening following your instructions, had to see managing clerk of Kedge and Reck; was engaged on a little matter for them.

Lordship made a joke of it; took up the matter as a brother ought; wrote himself to Kedge and Reck to get it settled.


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