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  1. a first name: from a Germanic word meaning “noble.”

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Best known for photographing Adele’s “25” album cover and collaborating with the xx, a few years ago, McLellan used a Saint Etienne song for a Marc Jacobs campaign, and Stanley reached out to thank him.

Elsewhere, he spoke of his mother, Adele, a woman who came of age in the 1940s with two sisters, and who loved to dance.

From Time

The album went on to be nominated for nine Grammy-awards, only winning two to the disapproval of many, including Adele, who won the night’s top prize.

In fact, Adele is not Adele at all, but rather her former rehab companion Rob, who years ago used astral projection to swap bodies with her, dispose of the real Adele and take over her life.

Though she’s been compared to the likes of Amy Winehouse, Adele, and the late Nina Simone, Celeste is proving her ability to carve out a lane of her own.

JR: Adele is I hear very upset, the Kardashians are very upset.

Sure, making your way on to the Grammy's stage with absolutely no press credentials is a feat, but you just don't mess with Adele.

Finally, there are Beyoncé and Adele, who represent divas in 2014.

When Adele won Best Solo Pop Performance, Sediuk stormed the stage, attempting to accept the award in Adele's stead.

He's made an entire career of accosting celebrities, from Bradley Cooper to Will Smith to Adele.

Before the end of that time a messenger brought him a letter from Adele, saying that she was well and comfortable.

So saying, he left the room, and went to look after the horse, leaving Adele and Rupert to their new-found happiness.

"An officer and eight men," he whispered to Rupert as he leapt into the saddle, while Rupert lifted Adele on to the pillion.

Then he went off at a run and joined the marquis, who with Adele was waiting anxiously at the distance he had asked him.

Long ere the forts were reached Adele was fast asleep below, while her father and Rupert paced the deck anxiously.




